Functions of the Office - Lesson Plan

Subject:           Office Administration
Topic:              Office Orientation
Sub topic:        Functions of the Office
Grade:             eight (8)
Duration:         40 minutes
Number of students:   25

-          Students should be able to identify an office.
-          Students should be able to identify some examples of office activities.

Students should be able to:
-          Define the term ‘Office’ using strips of papers.
-          Demonstrate the different functions of the ‘Office’ through role play.
-          Describe the roles and functions of the office in Business activities.

Materials: chalkboard, laptop, white screen, projector, worksheets, notebooks, charts.

Teaching strategies:  Co-operative Learning and Discovery Learning


In groups of four (4), each group will be given a plastic bag with strips of paper with the definition of the term ‘Office’.  Students will open the bag and rearrange the strips of paper to unscramble the definition.  Then, students will share their responses to ensure that they have the same definition.

Developmental Process

1.      Students will be given worksheet #1, then view a short video (1 minute) highlighting the different office activities which occur on a daily basis.  Students will then record their responses based on what they observed in the first column on their worksheet.

2.      The teacher will then, place a chart on the board with the different roles and functions of the office.  The students will record the notes in the second column of the worksheet.  Students will be given three (3) minutes to compare their observations with the notes provided.

3.      Students will remain in their groups of four (4) and each group will be given a different function of the office to role play to the rest of the class.  Each group should have a receptionist or an office assistant executing the specific function.  Students will be given seven (7) minutes to prepare and then make short presentations to the class. 

4.      After the role play, the rest of the students will identify the functions each group has demonstrated.
Content Analysis
An office is a place where clerical work is undertaken to ensure proper management, procedures and control.
Functions of the Office
·         Collecting information
·         Recording information
·         Arranging, analysing and processing the information
·         Preserving Information·         Supplying information

Students will read their notes out loud to ensure that the content is accurate and for reinforcement.

Students will view the video again and record the order of the functions of the office by listing them on the step in their worksheet (#2).  The video will be played twice. 


  1. Very interesting article. One needs to have great management and interpersonal skills to be a at a office administrative role
    Office Administrator Responsibilities

  2. lovely lesson plns. Can you please upload lesson plans for communication.

  3. ikechukwu +234803883930519 September 2018 at 03:50

    this has made my teaching very simple, thanks alot
